Tencent Digital (Wu Bin) Sony is a very interesting company, these years from the Sheng decline, have sold a lot of business, like LCD panels, lithium batteries, VAIO notebooks, etc., have been divided by people. After the precarious cell phone business was bought back from Ericsson, it remained tepid.
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According to a research report by the global market research organization TrendForce on the global smartphone share at the beginning of this year, Sony has already dropped out of TOP10, and this year has a further downward trend. There are also many people on social media that "Sony sells smart phone business." However, as of the completion of this review, Sony's cell phone was lying in the arms of the "coward".
The decline in Sony's mobile phone business over the years has a bearing on the global environment and is also related to the Japanese's obsession with mobile phones. If you think that today's smart phone market is one-sided, then you can look back at Japan's mobile phones eight years ago. When they were at one and a thousand, we were still in the age of flourishing.
Xperia XZ became the first product in this year's Sony mobile phone to make a change in China mainland market, and retained the Xperia prefix, so that the phone's overall design concept is almost the same as the previous Z series. See the shape of the corners, the symmetrical design, the margins of the upper and lower borders are quite wide, the whole machine supports waterproof design ... Yes, these are Sony.
Yes, if you have to find some differences between the XZ and the previous Z series, the material on the back is replaced by glass and the aluminum legend ALKALEIDO has been improved in hardness compared to XP. The weight will be lighter, which is the main change brought by the X series after replacing the Z series.
The changes are good and bad. The cost and difficulty of metal processing are relatively low. On the basis of ensuring a similar feel to frosted glass, the product cost is effectively reduced, and the metal is much lower in vulnerability than glass.
However, the metal material destroys the integral design of the backside, and the backside of the plastic cover sheet to prevent signal shielding increases because there is a certain color difference, resulting in the overall appearance of no suffocating feeling of Z5. If I must choose, I will Think Z5 frosted glass back shell is more perfect.
In fact, in Sony's X Performance design, despite the use of a metal backshell, but still ensure the integrity of the back, but to the XZ this so-called new flagship machine, but uses a different design ideas, directly undermined the back of the Aesthetically, it's strange to think about it. Obviously Sony is also aware of this problem, so most of the pictures on the official website design map are deliberately circumventing the design of the bottom of the back of the design, especially in the United States Sony Web site, all the promotional maps only one shows the back of the complete At the bottom of the design, it was also noticeably weakened.
Sony's signature side fingerprint power button still appears on this XZ, unlocking fast. The camera button still appears at the bottom of the right side of the phone. A physical two-stage camera shortcut highlights the characteristics of the XZ camera phone.
The licensed version of the Sony XZ supports dual card dual standby, "cup" is, due to well-known reasons, the licensed version of XZ is not full Netcom, does not support CDMA and TD-SCDMA network, strictly speaking, only perfect support China Unicom's SIM card.
More "cup" is, have been the 21st century, Sony XZ actually has to pull out the SIM card slot phone automatic restart anti-human design, to be a hot plug so hard it? This is a bad review!
XZ replaced the USB Type-C interface with the times, and retained the top 3.5 mm headphone jack, the future of this headphone jack will not cancel it out, but to be sure, Micro-USB is definitely back not coming.
Headphone jack and data interface are still exposed, and the interior is waterproof and sealed. IP68's dust and water resistance is not a virtual one! By the way, in the three major waterproof phones, Sony XZ and Samsung Note7 support IPx8 level, while iPhone 7 is only IPx7, which is theoretically weaker.
The 5.2-inch LCD screen is still the best in the industry. Although the 1080P display resolution is not as boring as the previous 4K sounds, it is enough. X-Reality technology continues to appear on mobile phones. After it is turned on, it actively adjusts the saturation of the screen to a higher level, making people look more comfortable.
Sony's contributions to mobile display technology over the years, this one-click technology to increase screen saturation, is it?
Although Sony positioned the Xperia XZ on its flagship phone, the licensed price was as high as 4,999 yuan. However, in fact, in addition to the Snapdragon 820, the 3GB RAM seems to be a bit shabby. The licensed version (including the Asia-Pacific version) has increased the built-in storage space of the mobile phone from the US version of 32GB to 64GB, and supports the expansion of the memory card, so the storage space of the mobile phone is less than what the American media said.
The fluency of the overall operation of the mobile phone is very good. After all, the Xiaolong 820, running such common games as "Yinyangshi" and "NBA2K16" are not a problem.
Sony's ability to control temperature still maintains a high standard. Even if XZ plays a large-scale game for a long time, the back of the phone will not feel hot. The main focus of the fever comes from the back of the Xperia LOGO on the right side, which is presumed to be The location of the processor.
The UI section has not changed much. Well-equipped Android 6.0.1 is equipped with Xperia UI at the bottom. Apart from the pleasing pre-installation, the rest is basically copying some of the original design ideas of Google. The licensed version is local. There hasn't been a lot of optimization in terms of conversion, but Baidu search has been introduced, and the system store has also cooperated with Baidu. In addition, there is no obvious difference between the system on XZ and the previous X or Z5. There's nothing wrong with this, but Sony's stagnation has been long since the localization of a licensed mobile phone.
Photographing has become the biggest difference between the Sony XZ and the former flagship X Performance. Although the lens is still 23 million pixels, it is surprising that the black technology that originally appeared on the camera, such as 5-axis image stabilization, is supported. After all, this is Sony's spare no effort. Promote one of the main selling points of XZ. In addition, the addition of a laser focus module and support for 4K video capture is also XZ's leading X Performance feature.
In Sony's so-called advanced automatic mode, XZ still has an overexposed phenomenon before Sony's mobile phone, this situation is more obvious at night, when shooting dark and contrasting environment, the light part is always overexposed. Fortunately, the manual adjustment of color temperature and exposure compensation is added to the setting, which can make up for this problem to some extent.
After the manual mode is turned on, the effect of the proofs is obviously much better. Exposure manual control, selective focus, etc., all make the pictures more comfortable. With a 23-megapixel lens, XZ is clearly better at the plasticity of the overall picture than its main competitors.
Since there is no explicit disassembly or official documentation, I am not sure whether the XZ used the same IMX300 sensor as the Z5. But from the point of view of parameters, 23 million pixels 16:9, 20 million pixels 4:3 shooting and 24mm equivalent focal length and f2.0 aperture and other information, basically can determine the quality of this lens compared to the XZ The previous IMX300 was only high.
XZ became the world's first cell phone equipped with triple image sensor technology, including a new RGBC-IR sensor, which is different from the previous cell phones. In addition to the traditional RGB color, this sensor can also sense infrared and pure light signals. The former is to use the laser infrared sensor on the XZ to increase the focusing speed, while the latter is to better adjust the white balance.
The equivalent focal length of 24mm allows the camera to shoot a wider picture, but if you shoot a local object, it will cause serious pixel loss. And the equivalent of 24mm will appear more obvious distortion in the edge of some scenes, you want a wider range of vision or a smoother screen output, see personal preferences.
From the comparison of the proofs, it can be clearly seen that the XZ in the color tuning, Sony also chose to seduce the eye with higher saturation as Samsung, and iPhone 7 Plus is more focused on the restoration of the real scene. If you have to choose one to say who is better, I think that the details of XZ, the control of complex light in manual mode, plus Sony's unique point-and-focus linkage focusing technology, so that the contents of a whole focal plane to see The clarity is far better than the iPhone 7 Plus.
More Xperia XZ proofs:
The five-axis anti-shake has some help in shooting 1080P 30fps in XZ, but it doesn't play a role in shooting still photos. Therefore, when using XZ to take pictures at night, there will still be problems with virtual focus.
In terms of endurance, Sony has newly added a so-called Qnovo adaptive charging technology on the XZ. Simply put, the mobile phone can automatically adjust the charging speed. For example, it detects that you use the mobile phone at a higher frequency at 8-10 in the evening. Accelerate charging speed, and use trickle charge in the early hours to ensure battery life and safety.
However, the battery life is not resolved because of the charging technology. Sony has equipped the XZ with a 2900 mAh battery. This is not enough for a cell phone with excellent configuration, main camera and IPS screen. In the conventional battery life test, the one-hour NBA 2K16 consumes 34% of the power, the one-hour 720P video playback consumes 13% of the power, and the remaining power is 53%.
To sum up, Sony is still the Sony. They put all the expertise accumulated on the XZ, and the new camera technology makes a big difference. However, Sony is still the Sony. After the design of Unified Design was used for so many years, it was hard to tell whether it was any difference between XZ and previous XP.
Sony's mobile phone has always given people a kind of heavy technology to light-tune the school experience. With good hardware accumulation but no software support, there is always a kind of ambiguity. This situation has somewhat eased in the XZ, in addition to the improvement of its own hardware capabilities, in the key links to join the relevant technology to make up for, such as camera shooting to join the focus, auto-photo mode to manually adjust the color temperature exposure, etc. It is a software complement to hardware upgrades.
It can be foreseen that, due to the competitive pressure in the smart phone market, leading to the current market, there are too many options available, Sony and its XZ will still be a niche products, the price of 4,999 yuan bare metal is not too cheap . However, it seems that there is no need to worry too much. The loyalty of Sony established in China and even in the world is absolutely high enough. The quality of the outstanding industrial design and products has always been Sony's 70-year-old company still stands firm. magic weapon.
Sony is still the Sony. The coward also stated clearly at the XZ conference that "Sony does not intend to withdraw from the smartphone market." This is enough for Sony fans. We should probably be thankful that Sony is still unique in its highly competitive smartphone market and will not drift away.
You know, the man who once exclaimed his spirit of craftsman, his mobile phone has already begun to look like an iPhone, right?
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